Dealing with a divorce?
This site shares information and personal experiences to help you get through this challenge. You’re not alone.

Divorce is difficult. But you’re not alone.

Divorce can feel incredibly lonely….not just in terms of the process of separating from someone who, until recently, you saw as your life partner, but also as there seems to be so much taboo about talking openly about this with friends and family.

We hope to help you, and ourselves, get through this more easily by sharing stories, ideas and information. As this is such a raw and personal experience, we have made all contributions and content anonymous. You can read a little more about how this website started and check out our articles.

Men and Women Welcome

Though this website was started by a few female friends trying to get through a tough time, we are well aware that divorce of course affects men and women and want to be inclusive. Anyone is welcome to submit an article and please keep in mind when writing and reading that this website is for everyone dealing with a divorce.

Current focus on Internationals in the Netherlands

As this website has been started by a small group of internationals in the Netherlands (originally from other countries but now based here), this is the current focus of articles and information. Divorce is a worldwide experience though, so please do feel free to contact us if you are not in NL.

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